Our Mission: The Friends of the Del Webb Library at Indian Land is a non-profit, non-political, volunteer service organization formed to promote and support the literary, educational, and community roles of the Library.
As a branch of the Lancaster County Library, with limited funds, increasing costs and the desire to expand its services, the Del Webb Library at Indian Land needs community support. Join us! The Friends of the Library need you.
Please check our Facebook page for notices of events and community interest items.
Friends members who are on our email list, will receive Constant Contact email notices of events and meetings.
Tuesdays at the library
"All Ages BINGO" is an intergenerational program where patrons of all ages can come together and enjoy playing a game with others. We play traditional BINGO style with cards and chips, and winners will get to choose a prize off our prize table. Third Tuesday of the month from 3-5 pm. Drop in for a game or two, or stay and play for a couple of hours! This program is free, and no registration is required to attend.
More dates added soon.
Author Talks and Special Programs
(Click Author Details tab for date/times )
PLEASE NOTE. Potential authors and their books are reviewed by a committee to determine the appropriateness of the material for the general public. If both the committee and the library manager agree on the appropriateness of, and interest in the topic, we will contact the author. Author talks are not designed as commercial events to sell books but rather as talks to pique interest in reading and to ask questions on the writing and publishing processes.
The Friends group is a 501c3 organization with a mission to support the literary, educational, and community roles of the library. We are both nonpolitical and nonreligious. In addition, the Lancaster County Library system has certain rules forbidding the use of the meeting room for commercial, political, and religious reasons.
Please contact the Friends of the Library at contactdwf.brd@gmail.com if you would like to propose an author talk.